Version compatibily utility
Checks for compatiblity between versions of our Device Driver and DLL

Follow link below for most recent version of   "VerChk.exe"   archive,
read the   VerChk.txt   documentation in text format, or read below for the contents of that file.
download archive

PLEASE NOTE:    The version of VerChk is also compatible with only certain versions of the Driver and DLL. The links on this page go to the most recent version which is compatible with the most recent versions of the DLL and Driver or any versions later than 7-18-2003. Other versions are located within the archive of each download and is most useful in making sure that the driver that is loaded on your system corresponds to the correct DLL which is usually placed in the same directory as the   "VerChk.exe"   utility.

Another "generic" version check is built into the DLL and creates a file called   "LL_USBLoad.txt"   which has contents describing certain errors. Here is an example of what the contents of that file may look like:
     This DLL compilation date/time: Aug 20 2003, 15:55:17
     This DLL version: 8,21,2003,0

     The following driver was found, but it's the wrong version: 

     Expected device driver version for this DLL: 8,21,2003,0
     Device driver version on your system: 2,13,2004,0
If the   "LL_USBLoad.txt"   file is created, it will also be deleted the first time that the DLL loads without a Driver/DLL compatibility problem.


      VerChk is designed to check compatibility between our USB Device Driver and DLL that you are using. Compatibility issues can occur if a new DLL is used without updating the driver. Also occassionally a DLL or Driver will be placed in a particular directory which has dominance in the search path and even though a new driver and DLL are placed in the recom- mended directories, they won't be used by the operating system since the other copies in "first search" directories are present.


      Copy VerChk.exe into same directory as application and DLL. Note that the DLL should always be located in the application directory.

      VerChk will scan disks and system memory for copies of DLL and system driver. It will interrogate the DLL in the current directory to find out which version of the driver it is expecting to run. It will also check to see if the copy of the driver loaded in memory is the same version as the copy that is located on the disk. A mismatch of the memory and disk version can occur if a driver is copied to the appropriate directory, but all devices are not then disconnected and reconnected, allowing the new driver to load into memory. It is always recommended that you reboot your computer after copying a new version of the driver to the appropriate directory as recommended in the installation documentation. When a new driver is installed by the operating system it will automatically unload the old driver from memory and load the new one, or advice you to reboot.

      VerChk also gives you the opportunity to display a listing of all the copies of the DLL and driver on your system's disk drives. VerChk will also give you the option for it to delete from your drives all copies of the DLL and driver except the copy of the DLL located in the current directory and the copy of the driver located in the appropriate system32 directory.

Here are the links again

VerChk.txt documentation in text format archive containing VerChk.exe and VerChk.txt