File Download Area
for 64-bit Excel, 64-bit Matlab, or any other 64-bit application
WinXP thru Win10
DLL (only)
(modified 1-8-19)

IMPORTANT: This is for applications built as 64-bit specifically, not for applications that have been built as 32-bit and running on a 64-bit system, which is often the case. An example is using our DLL with Microsoft Office (built for 64-bit system) using VBA through Excel. Another example is accessing using  Matlab  (built for 64-bit). This DLL will NOT work with a 32-bit application even though it's run on a 64-bit system!
This DLL archive linked to below contains both the DLL and a header file containing the prototypes of DLL entry points (function calls) such as would be used when using Matlab as an example.

Get LL_USB2k_64-bit_DLL