
1.) Failed initialization
A.) Installation problems - there were problems encountered while installing
1.) Go to the installation documentation  and look at the troubleshooting information.
B.) If after attempting to initialize, a file was created in your application directory named  LL_USBLoad.txt,  go  HERE.
C.) If the initialization process returned very quickly with an error that it failed to initialize, go  HERE.
D.) If the initialization process took a while but returned with failure to initialize, go  HERE.

2.) When scanning, the scan halts for no obvious reason
A.) Possible microcode, or DLL buffer wrap, requiring you to modify settings in the LL_USB.INI file - find out more HERE.

B.) Possible power loss or spike to either M30x, or HUB  ( if one is connected )  - find out more HERE.

3.) Device stops responding
A.) Possible power loss or spike - find out more HERE.


Understanding  LL_USBLoad.txt

This file is generated by the DLL when it finds that there is a version compatibility error between itself and the device driver.

Open  LL_USBLoad.txt  using the Windows notepad. You should see something that looks like one of the following
example A
This DLL compilation date/time: Jul 22 2002, 08:37:58
This DLL version: 7,22,2002,0

The following driver was found, but it's the wrong version: 

Expected device driver version for this DLL: 7,22,2002,0
Device driver version on your system: 7,6,2004,0
example B
This DLL compilation date/time: Mar  3 2006, 13:35:54
This DLL version: 3,2,2006,0

Failed to get any LL_USB device driver version information.

Following file not found: 

Reasons and solutions for  example A
Note the second line that says that the device driver was found but it is the wrong version. The DLL always looks first to see if the driver is installed and then checks to see if it is compatible with whatever version of the DLL is being used. For that reason, it's important to first and foremost - have the most recent DLL in the application directory. The DLL is backward-compatible, so you can always update the DLL whenever you want and it will work with any older application software that you might have. Since the version of the device driver here  ( 7,6,2004,0 )  is newer than the DLL, the solution is to  download a newer version  of our DLL from our website.

The version number is written in a date format with a trailing zero. The version number for this driver indicates that it was made 7/6/2004. It must be used with a DLL of the same date or newer. The trailing zero in the version number is used by us only for a temporary DLL that might be sent to a customer for testing before a final cut for the day is made.

Reasons and solutions for  example B
Note the third line that says that there was a failure in reading the driver version informatoin. This is a positive indication that although the installion process may have seemed to have gone okay, it actually failed. You must return to the  installation  instructions and follow the troubleshooting instructions there.

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Initialization failed, but returned quickly

When this happens without the file named  LL_USBLoad.txt,  being created in the application directory, there can be multiple explanations.
1.) The correct DLL was not found  ( wrong app/DLL for operating system )  - go  HERE  to find out more.
2.) The DLL loaded okay, but was unable to find the device ID that was passed to it. Various forms of our sample applications use various ways of passing the device ID into the DLL and are documented to explain the method used. Below are examples and what to expect from each.
A.) A configuration file is used - go  HERE  to find out more.
B.) The device ID is entered directly into a box in the application - go  HERE  to find out more.
C.) The DLL searches for the M30x devices that are connected, and passes back to the application the first one that it is able to initialize - go  HERE  to find out more.
3.) If another application is using the same M30x, then no other application can use it at the same time.

4.) If this device has ever intialized, but now fails to, the problem could be a memory error which could have occurred if the application crashed and failed to properly unload the DLL, leaving a reference to the device ID in memory. If this happens, the only solution is to reboot the PC and then again try to initialize the device.

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Scan halts - possible data buffer wrap

Problem and solutions

1.) Preventing data buffer wraps with settings in main configuration file  -  LL_USB.INI
A.) What is this file and where is it located? Follow this link  to read about it.
B.) File content overview - have a look at file online with detailed documentation of each entry. Follow this link  to view the file.
C.) Specific setting of  ProcessPriorityBoost  can usually prevent scan buffer wraps from occuring in DLL. Read more about the symptoms and the effect an entry in  LL_USB.INI can have from the online documentation at our website  HERE.
D.) Specific setting of  StackedIrpCntOverride  can usually prevent scan buffer wraps from occuring in device  ( microcode ). Read more about the symptoms and the effect an entry in  LL_USB.INI can have from the online documentation at our website  HERE.
E.) Specific setting of  ScanSystemBoostLevel  for maximum result if microcode buffer wraps continue after maximizing setting shown in  D  above. Read more about the symptoms and the effect an entry in  LL_USB.INI can have from the online documentation at our website  HERE.

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Scan halts - possible power loss or spike

Problem and solution

x A power loss or spike can cause the M30x to stop scanning. The power loss or spike can occur either on the power line that goes to the M30x, the power to an external HUB (if one exists), or both. Usually if the loss or spike occurred only on the line to the M30x, all that is required is reloading of the configuration file and then a new initialization. If a power loss or spike occurs on the power to an external HUB, you may need to disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable between the HUB and PC, or in some cases, reboot the PC to get the HUB to function properly.

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Device stops responding - possible power loss or spike

Problem and solution

1.) Possible power loss or spike that effected only the power to the M30x
A.) First try reloading of application configuration file and a new initialization.
B.) If problem persists, disconnect power and USB cable to M30x, wait a few seconds, and then reconnecting first the power and then the USB cable, followed by reloading the application configuration file and intializing.
2.) Possible power loss or spike that effected external HUB if the M30x is connected to one.
A.) Disconnecting power to HUB, and USB cable between HUB and PC, wait a few seconds, and then reconnecting first the power and then the USB cable, followed by reloading the application configuration file and intializing.
B.) If problem persists, reboot the PC with all cables connected.

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What is  LL_USB.INI  and where is it located

The main configuratin file  LL_USB.INI  is required by our DLL. It is installed in the Windows folder by the operating system during installation of the M30x. The file is included with the other installation files on either the distribution floppy diskette that was included with your hardware, or downloaded  from our website either within an archive that contains all the required installation files, or singly.

The file is preconfigured with default values. You can view the contents of the file online  HERE.

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Entering device ID in application window

Some of our sample applications allow the device ID to be entered into a box on the main application panel prior to initialization. There may already be a device ID entered in the box, which unless you are also using a configuration file,  must be replaced with your device ID.

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Allowing DLL to find device ID

Some of our sample applications may include a feature that allows the DLL to search for, and initialize the first M30x device that it finds connected to your system. This type of application may also have other options for the DLL to automatically load one or more device ID's from a .INI type configuration file. If either of these methods are used, they will be documented within the archive from which you extracted the application.

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DLL is not found by application

1.) The DLL is not in the application directory.
a.) Locate the correct DLL either from the archive from which you extracted your sample application, or  downloaded  from our website. See table below for DLL naming convention.

2.) The DLL is present in the application directory but not being found. Some of our sample applications will display a message box that the DLL was not found.

A.) If the message box was preceded by a message box saying that the LL_USB.cfg file was not found, then you must first solve the problem associated with the first message box since it can trigger the second message box even though the DLL may be fine. Find out more about the configuration file. 
B.) If there is only a single message box displayed saying that the DLL was not found, the most common reason is that the DLL for the wrong operating system is in the application directory. The table below shows which DLL works for which operating system


Solution 1:
x If according to the table above, the name of the DLL which is in your application directory is correct, then there may be other problems which can be understood by using a special utility we've created called,  VerChk.exe  which you can download  from our website

Solution 2:
x If according to the table above, you discover that the DLL in your application directly has the wrong name, you can  download  the correct DLL for your operating system from our website.

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Initialization fails but takes a while to return

When this symptom occurs, it usually indicates that the DLL has found the device ID but is having difficulty in it's attempt to enumerate. It may try several times before returning, which can sometimes take a few seconds or longer.

Possible causes and solutions
1.) The HUB may have lost communication with the PC.
A.) If using an external HUB, disconnect the power and main USB cable to the HUB, wait a few seconds, and then reconnect first the power and then the USB cable.
B.) If all the HUB lights don't light after the procedure above, reboot the computer and if the HUB lights still don't light, there may be a problem with the HUB

2.) The M30x may have lost power or received a spike on the power line
A.) Disconnect the power to the M30x, then reconnect it and try again to intialize.

3.) If this device has ever intialized, but now fails to, the problem could be a memory error which could have occurred if the application crashed and failed to properly unload the DLL, leaving a reference to the device ID in memory. If this happens, the only solution is to reboot the PC and then again try to initialize the device.

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About the configuration files

Special Note:  There is one  main configuration file  called  LL_USB.INI which is installed automatically by the installation process used the first time you install any of our M30x devices. This file is discussed elsewhere and is never used by an application for passing a device ID to the DLL.

The device ID and other information is usually stored in a configuration file with a name such as  LL_USB.cfg located in the application directory. Incorrect information, can cause the application to fail to initialize.
Possible config file problems and solutions:

1.) If you are using one of our sample applications that has a version number  ( finding version number  )  which is earlier than  12-14-04  ( 12,14,2004,0 ),  the best place to begin is to download a new version of the sample application. Follow the following link to our website, and from there, follow the links for your device type  ( model 301  or  model 302 )  until you come to a link for sample applications. The application download comes with a configuration file with a format that is easy to edit -   here's an example.

If there is a reason that you must continue to use our old sample application, and have no copy of the original configuration file that you downloaded with it, then follow  this link  for instructions on fixing or replacing your old-style application configuration file. This may be difficult unless you are computer-savvy, and is therefore not recommended unless required for the reason mentioned above.

2.) If you are using one of our sample applications that has a version number  ( finding version number  )  which is newer than  12-14-04  ( 12,14,2004,0 ),  read the  Read_1st.txt  file  ( and any other documentation downloaded with the sample application )  to determine the name and location of the application configuration file used with your sample application. Here's an example  of the newer application configuration file format.

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Finding version information

1.) Application related version information
Method 1
Most of our sample applications show  Last Updated:  somewhere on the application's main screen. The date shown there corresponds to the version number since the version number is just the date in the typical microsoft style version format. If this information is not shown, see below.

Method 2
The usual way of finding a version number for an application is to locate the application using the Windows Explorer. When you locate the file, right-click your mouse on it which will open a dialog window with a tab that will take you to the version information

2.) DLL and device driver version information
See  Method 2  shown above, as it applies not only to the application but also to any DLL or device driver.

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Replacing old style application configuration files

Follow  this link  to our website where you can download a new copy of the old-style configuration file. You must place the file in your application folder and also edit it to replace the device ID that it will have, with your device ID. If using a Model302, you will also need to change the entry in that file from  301  to  302.  Read below about how to edit the file.
editing LL_USB.cfg
1.) Use windows explorer (the file manager) to locate the file you downloaded into your application folder. If you have more than one copy of the application, make sure that you are editing the file from the correct application folder
2.) Open the file in the Windows notepad editor. Because of the  .cfg  file extension, the easiest thing to do is to replace the  .cfg  with  .txt  and then just double-clicking the mouse on it and it will usually open in notepad, wordpad, or some other word-processor that you may have on your system. If you can't see any extension (.cfg), then read what to do  HERE.  It's important to note that if notepad is not the editor that it opens into, you will likely have to make sure that you save the edited file as an  ascii text  file since other editors  ( especially those classified as word processors )  will typically save files in various formats which only they can read.
3.) There will be one entry already in the file for a device ID and two other settings. Replace the device ID with your device ID, but change nothing else in the file - at least at this time. There is information about the format of the file at the end of the file.
4.) Save the file - again making sure that it is saved in  ascii text  format which is the only way that notepad will save, but other editors need to be asked to save in that format. Once saved, be sure to change the name from  LL_USB.TXT  back to  LL_USB.CFG  or our sample applications will not read the file.

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Can't see file extension in Windows Explorer

There is an option in Windows Explorer  ( file manager )  to hide the file extension of known file types. When editing a file such as our  LL_USB.CFG  file, you must have the file extension visible.

To make the extension visible, select  Tools  from the menu at the top of Windows explorer and then select  Folder Options  from the drop-down menu. You should see some tabs in the window that is displayed, from which, select  View  and then look for the option to  Hide extensions for known file types and uncheck the box. Finally, hit the  OK

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File extension change during save

Some editors will change, append, or in some way modify a file when saving after being edited. For example when our  LL_USB.CFG  is edited in the windows notepad editor and then you ask it to save the file, it may save the file as,  LL_USB.CFG.TXT  and when this is done, the application will not be able to read the file. If this happens, simply remove the  .TXT  so it once again reads the way it did before editing it.

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Sample application configuration file

Below is an example of a  LL_USB.CFG  configuration file that may be used with some of our sample applications.
x ID=432

If the entry,  DEBUG=0  is in the file, it can be ignored and even removed.

This file is intended to be used for either the M301 or M302, but not both at the same time. If you are intending to use one or more M301 devices in your application, then have only those device ID numbers in this file, and likewise for the M302. Other entries could cause erroneous behavior.

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Download Files only needed for installation
( Driver, DLL, .INI, .INF, documentation )
archive     individual files

archive     individual files

Download Misc Documentation
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individual files only    

Download Developer's API documentation
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last modified  3-31-06