Matlab DLL access examples
Matlab entries
Here's the starting point for Matlab developers for
interfacing Lawson Labs, Inc. data acquisition systems
Model 201
M201_SP_64bit.dll and M201_SP_64bit.h Must be in path. The easiest may be to have in your
folder and then use addpath to add it to your path.
Load the DLL and set the port:
1.) >>loadlibrary('M201_SP_64bit', 'M201_SP_64bit')
note: the following is 0 based. If your windows COM port is 5, make this 4
2.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_SetCOMport', 4)
To get a single conversion:
note: set main chan 6 (zero based) and sub-chan (only valid if multiplexer used) to 0
1.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_SetPolledModeChan', 6, 0)
note: create a variable of type double
3.) >>volts = 0
note: make it a pointer that can be passed in function call
4.) >>volts_pntr=librpointer('doublePtr', volts)
5.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_GetOneConversion', volts_pntr)
note: read the data from the variable pointer
6.) >>get(volts_pntr)
To get scan data for a single channel:
1.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_SetScanType', 0)
note: the following code is hex 60 (see it as main chan 6, sub chan 0)
2.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_SetSingleChanScanChanCode', 96)
3.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_Run')
wait for a while as data is written to log file (ScanLog_xxx.txt) in same folder as DLL
4.) >>result=calllib('M201_SP_64bit', 'EX_Stop')
results of scan will be in ScanLog_xxx.txt in same folder as DLL. The "xxx" will be a numeric value of the instance of the scan - for example the
name for the first scan would be ScanLog_0.txt, the second would be ScanLog_1.txt
when finished, call
5.) >>unloadlibrary('M201_SP_64bit')
Get the 64-bit DLL and header file.
click any image to see larger view
Load DLL and get one conversion
Load DLL and start scan for continued data to data file
Results of scan (channel 6, full-scale) in ScanLog_x.txt